What's airing on TV at the moment? KBC, which, in my opinion is shit. I'm in no mood watch a movie, no mood to communicate with a living being and don't even feel like hitting the sack. So here I am on my PC jotting down exactly what's going on in my head.
My mouth is shut, my mind speaks and my fingers are the typing. Isn't that multi-tasking in some form? I've just realized, this is real-time stuff. But again, it won't be real-time until someone is reading every word I type. So then, this is semi-real time. Now, to nullify the noise on the telly, I plug in my earphones and play a song on windows media player. Fake tales of San Francisco by the Arctic Monkeys. No, they're not anywhere near my favourite band but yeah, it's better than Bachchan's voice on TV. It's a good, peppy song and now there is music fueling and feeding in some thoughts, some insights which will take time to formulate. You know, some thoughts are so quick, they occur to you within a fraction of a second and poof! that award winning, philosophical genius of a thought is GONE!!!
Aah, Lemmy's voice, man! Motorhead is so fucking brilliant. An absolute bliss to listen to, anytime. And my playlist is now kicking in a groove. Oh oh, wait a minute, a random thought has struck thee! All this while the song is playing!
RANDOM THOUGHT: If drunkenness is your reality, you've got to see the doctor.
I'm not gonna delve deeper into that but if that makes sense to anyone who reads this (which I'm sure no one will), you'll get the chance to make a full 30 minute presentation on this random thought. For now, I haven't stumbled upon an interesting insight to rant or comment or give my expert common-man opinions on. So it's still my mind's ramblings doing the talking and... FULL POWER! 'World Painted Blood' is hits the play button. What an insane performance in India, I had the privilege of watching perhaps the best LIVE metal act yet. Not discouraging Opeth's performance, but Slayer really stepped up a notch on that one which made 2 really kick-ass shows I attended this year. Still regret missing out on Megadeth and the soon-to-be performing Testament thanks to the Bhenchod wedding season and the 'christmessy' feeling going on at the moment. Talking about year end celebrations, isn't it weird that we all party on the 31st, wait for the countdown and all that shit, celebrate the dawn of the new year but a week later, you're still living the same shitty life, doing the same fucking thing and all your so called 'new year resolutions' have been flushed down the toilet. I'm talking about at least 75% of the people and that includes thy humble fucking self. Yeah, I'd pat myself on the back for that.
And on that note, I think I'm done with this post. Music has taken over. My subconscious mind has stopped processing fragments of information/stuff for me to translate onto this blogpost.